How to use
With an easy to use interface, the site has been developed so that anyone can readily see a wonderful collection of photographs. Users can see the most recent images or search for families or individual species. Detailed instructions are not necessary but should you have difficulties in using the site or have suggestions for improvement, please contact us on the above link.
Photographers can upload their own African bird photos and details. However, if you have images which you would like to display, but don't have the resources to edit them, add text or upload, we would be only too pleased to help if you contact us on the above link.
All photographs should be of genuinely wild birds taken within the African region as defined above. We may include photographs of birds held in the hand if they have been mist-netted by fully qualified bird ringers. We will not include:
- photographs from zoos or other collections;
- photographs taken outside of Africa;
- photographs where we feel that the bird has been caught illegally or harmed in some way.
If you have photographs which you would like to include on the site, we ask you to complete a simple registration process which you can access by following the link above. You will be informed by email when your registration has been activated but this should normally be within 24 hours. After your registration has been confirmed, you will be able to upload your images. However, we are required to validate them before they are exhibited in public which gives us the opportunity to correct text and check the identification.
The hosting space is fairly limited so image files should be smaller than 100 kb in jpg format, and no wider or higher than 600 pixels (at a resolution of 72 dots per inch). Please try to put each species in its correct category. If images of a common species type or plumage already exist on AFBID, e.g. Laughing Dove, we suggest that you do not include too many repeats otherwise we will soon reach the hosting space limit. If you have an image of a species type or plumage not already represented such as female, male in non-breeding attire or a different subspecies, or shots of other interesting behaviour and nest activity, please do upload those.